Candace and The Great Wall - Children's Book
This is a children's book written by Jackie George-Tunnicliffe and illustrated by me, it tells a story of self discovery and growth aimed at children. The book contains 20 illustrations, and I am very happy to say it took me about to month to complete all 20 of them! You can get the book here:
Personal Pieces
This are some Illustrations created as a way of practicing and exploring new ways to tackle my work
The Magic Snowman Double Spread
Studying in an Infinite Loop
A Short Hike
Merry Christmas
Surfing Llama
THE Classroom
THE Playground
Super Cool Robot
Fanart Pieces
Tribute to some of my favorite characters out there
Gael (from an idie game in development)
Samurai Beast
Samus Aran
Tomb Raider
Iron Spider!
Meowth GO!
No Christmas allowed
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